BabyCakes Studios Blog — March Meet the Maker
Learning Curve and Something New!
Posted by Rebecca Reed on

Something a little different today - presenting the White Blood Cell I just made! I've always loved the "Giant Microbe" plushes and thought it was finally a good time to make a crochet version. I found the pattern for this guy on Ravelry from @janageek and OMG is it adorable! I'm going to tie this in with the March Meet the Maker prompt today - learning curve. This WBC has a LOT of puff stitches which used to be very difficult for me. I've tried to make them as icing on cakes and they just never looked right or turned out well...
Sneak Peek at Baby Pies
Posted by Rebecca Reed on

Day 4: Branding Sneak Peek at some cute new pies to celebrate the upcoming Pi(e) day! Cherry and blueberry baby pies! I would love to modify these to have an authentic lattice crust but that's a work in progress. I'm making a whole collection so stay tuned for more pies!I thought this actually fits! With regard to branding, I think these pies totally fit my brand. I guess I'm going for bright, colorful cuteness that makes you smile?! I really need to get a logo one of these days but one thing at a time!
Spring Time is coming soon!
Posted by Rebecca Reed on
My Story!
Posted by Rebecca Reed on

Hey guys! I'm participating in March Meet the Maker this month and thought I would share some of the prompts here! Day 1: Story Hi, I'm Becca from Austin, TX! I've been crocheting for a little over 2 years now and recently made it my full time thing. My story starts on a trip to Saguaro National Park. My husband and I are on a quest to visit all the National Parks and we love to visit bookstores on our travels. We walked into a little bookstore in Tucson, AZ and I saw a cute crochet cacti kit complete with...